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Most Valuable Professional - Adrian Rodriguez

Written by: Microsoft team
Publication: Microsoft website
Date published: Around 2010

Awards since 2007:

Technical Expertise:
Games for Windows

Technical Interests:
XNA/DirectX, SharePoint Server


I'm currently a SharePoint Developer and IT Professional, I'm a passionate gamer with a taste for anything that has great story, excellent graphics and engaging gameplay that will pull me in. I'm also an avid photographer, taking photos of anything while away from my PC, as well as teach basic photography classes to folks at work. For a short time, I have taught basic XNA and Game Design at my alma mater. I've started my own blogsite for five years ago called: The Gaming Extra ( on a college whim of mine to make my own games site. Now as spaces have closed down, With the power of blogging, some games, YouTube and Fraps, I could make my own reviews and blog about gaming, PC Hardware and Windows in general.

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