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Digital Media Exchange taps into the music industry with mobiuslive

Written by: JC John Sese Cuneta
Date published: October 16, 2006

(Manila, Philippines, October 5, 2006) Digital Media Exchange introduces first social network service/online music store in South East Asia

Capitalizing on the boom of the Web 2.0 technology, Digital Media Exchange (dme) recently introduced mobiuslive (, the first music community website that combines the popularity of social network services with the success of digital distribution.

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mobiuslive offers all the benefits and features of social network sites like profiles, user-generated content, and Web 2.0 features like blogging, music clips and video coupled with the ease of digital content distribution through an online music store featuring thousands of tracks from independent artists available for download.

"We have enabled a win-win relationship between the artists and the consumer by providing artists direct linkage to their fans while offering music at a more affordable price of P20 or $0.40 per track," said dme President Jojo Anonuevo.

mobiuslive members may download their favorite artists' songs priced at 70% less than other music stores, while giving artists more than 50% revenue share. Currently, record labels allocate less than 5% revenue to their artists.

"We acknowledge that consumers have 'free' alternatives, but we deliver more value than just a download service. In fact, the music track is only just the beginning. We're taking our expertise in building online communities along with Web 2.0 to deliver innovative services for users on a weekly basis," Mr. Anonuevo added.

A feature unique to mobiuslive is the online music store's e-Commerce system, powered by dme's proprietary online payment system mobiusonline ( mobiusonline is the first prepaid system in the South East Asian region providing users the convenience of buying anything from phone load, game credits, ISP load, to flowers using mobius ePoints as currency.

Given the challenge of low penetration yet high fraud rate of credit cards, we've built a multi-currency system that caters to the penny-transactions that's characteristic of cash economies in South-East Asia. "We're also taking our experience in dealing with piracy and managing large volumes of small payments or micropayments and applying this to the music business," said Mr. Anonuevo.

The online environment has been witness to the explosion of music and social networking sites over the last few years, from sites like iTunes, Rhapsody, Friendster, MySpace, etc. mobiuslive's edge lies in a captive audience of more than 5 million users through Asia and other parts of the world who have been avid consumers of other forms of entertainment. According to Mr. Anonuevo, "we're simply extending our mobiusonline payment platform to sell music. In fact, we tried limiting our alpha testers before we launched mobiuslive, but we discovered that we had traffic coming from a dozen countries already!"

The mobiuslive project is headed by Edgar "Edge" Pamute, DJ and owner of music events promoter Soundsgood. "Mobius is in the entertainment business and we have people whose lives are dedicated to music, myself included. We also have partners that are aligned with our strategy and understand the changes in how music is consumed," he said.

dme is currently partnered with Odyssey, a retail music chain with over 90+ outlets in the country. The partnership extends to cross-distribution of content using the MOBO kiosks. Edge stated, "Odyssey extends our reach by enabling music to be downloaded by a consumer straight to their iPod or Bluetooth-enabled phone, including places where you normally won't find an Internet connection."

mobiuslive is currently being tested in alpha. To find out more about mobiuslive, visit

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