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Written by: Wauks
Publication: Waukster
Date published: April 25, 2008

IT’S OFFICIAL. The Philippines will be the official host to this year’s RAGNAROK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS. You read that right! More than 10 teams from around the world will fly in to Manila, Philippines so that they can compete in the biggest online gaming tournament for Ragnarok Online. This is the announcement that our Marketing Director, Jake San Diego, hinted about in his interview in Hackenslash. With the addition of RWC 2008, LEVEL UP LIVE is shaping up to be one of the biggest events not only in the Philippines, but in South East Asia!

Here’s the official VIDEO TRAILER of RWC 2008:


[Video: N/A.]

In my past posts, I’ve been also hinting about this. As a gamer myself, I see no other greater honor than to be able to represent my country and prove to the rest of the world that I am the best. If there is anything that will really cement your name in gaming history – then this is it. If you win, then you are officially the “BEST IN THE WORLD”. That’s how big RWC 2008 is.

Because of this major development, we’re delaying the start of the Agit Lord Scoring to May 14, 2008. This will give time for guildmasters to recruit members and tell their friends to start anew in Ragnarok in preparation for the battle to represent the country. This is it guys. This will probably be the most intense and most meaningful tournament in the history of Philippine Ragnarok Online.

We’ve done our part in making this happen – now it’s your turn. Take up your weapons, raise your guild banners high, and shout out your war cries! IT’S TIME FOR THE RAGNAROK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2008! AND IT’S HAPPENING HERE, IN OUR COUNTRY – THE PHILIPPINES!

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