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Video: Jin, Devil Jin, Josie Rizal (Eskrima practitioner and kickboxer from The Philippines) officially unveiled for Tekken 7

Written by: Cheng Kai 'KarbyP' Sim
Publication: Event Hubs
Date published: March 29, 2015 at 7:55 PM

[Banner image: Jin Kazama, Josie Rizal, Devil Jin.]

Update 2: We've also added official character art for the three fighters. Also updated Josie's description to say that her fighting style is a mix of Eskrima and kickboxing.

Update: We've added the official HD720p character trailers to this story. You can still check out the lower-quality 60fps videos, however, to see what Harada said as well as Yuriko Taiga's Josie cosplay.

Earlier: On a special Tekken 7 live stream broadcast from Bandai Namco Games's headquarters in Shinagawa, Tokyo today, Tekken project lead Katsuhiro Harada unveiled the next three characters to be added to the playable roster in the arcade fighting game.

[Banner image: Jin Kazama, Devil Jin, Josie Rizal.]

They are none other than Jin, Devil Jin, and new character Josie Rizal, who is an Eskrima practitioner slash kickboxer from The Philippines (her fighting style is a mix of both). Her character design was done by Mari Shimazaki, who served as a character designer on Platinum Games's Bayonetta. Shimazaki also came up with the designs for Tekken 7's Kazumi Mishima.

Another person who was instrumental in coming up with Josie Rizal's character design was Mad Catz's Mark "Markman" Julio, who has Filipino blood in him. Harada said that he was very glad that Markman could tell him a lot about Filipino culture, and offered advice that shaped many of the character's traits, including her name.

Jin will be made playable in Tekken 7 arcade from March 31 onwards. Devil Jin gets unlocked on April 7. As for Josie, Harada said that he originally intended for the character to be released during Japan's Golden Week holiday (first week of May), but at this moment they're not quite sure.

You've previously caught a glimpse of all three characters in our previous report here. Now see them in action in their respective unveil trailers below.

[YouTube video: Unavailable.]

[YouTube video: Unavailable.]

[YouTube video: 「鉄拳7」追加キャラクター紹介動画(風間 仁)]

[YouTube video: 「鉄拳7」追加キャラクター紹介動画(デビル仁)]

[YouTube video: 「鉄拳7」新キャラクター紹介動画(ジョシー・リサール)]

Harada also said that the three characters were originally planned to be released at a much later date. But due to the leaks, the team panicked a little, and ultimately decided to release them earlier to players since word on the characters has already made it out to the open.

Source: Tekken 7 live stream on Nico Video. Official videos sent in by an anonymous tipster.

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