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FWC 2024 Server FAQ

Written by: FlyFF Universe team
Publication: FlyFF Universe website
Date published: June 3, 2024

Dear players,

For those who are playing the FWC 2024 Server and to provide a better assist, we have prepared a FAQ which will be covering the questions from our players.

Please check below for more details:

(Special thanks to Moderator Blooper, Kip, Chellez, XylloS, Bastion, and Zorione for the contribution towards this FAQ)

[FWC 2024 Server Info]

⭐ FWC Server Launch Date: 16th May 2024
⭐ Launch Time: 08:00AM UTC
⭐ FWC Server End Date: 24th October 2024
⭐ The event will be held in accordance with the [FlyFF Universe Event Policy]

Please note that changes may be applied due to internal circumstances, and we will provide updates or separate announcements when changes are made.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is the FWC Server?
A. FWC is short for Flyff World Championships and the FWC servers are a server where players can quickly raise their characters to prepare for the big competition that will be coming up later this year.

[Registration FAQs]

Q. Do we need a completely new account to create a character on the FWC Server?
A. No. You can use your current account and create a character through the FWC Server itself.

Q. Can I transfer my character from the main server to the FWC Server?
A. No. You need to create a new character on the FWC Server.

Q. I want to use my character’s name from my server to the FWC Server — Will that be possible?
A. Yes, provided it hasn’t been taken by someone else.

Q. I pre-registered an in-game name for the FWC Server — Will that name be reserved for when I create the character?
A. Yes. That name will be reserved until you create a character with the exact name on the account you have pre-registered with. You will also receive a gift box containing the following:
- Scroll of Amplification ES x3
- Vital Drink or Refresher Hold x5
- Power Scroll x5
- Flask Box x5
- Extra Bag (15 days) x1

[Game FAQs]

Q. Are there changes to monster/giant/catcher spawn rates?
A. No there are no changes to the general spawn rates, however, if there is a high influx of players we might increase the spawn rates of quest-related monsters for player convenience.

Q. Are there changes to enhancement rates? (Upgrades, Elemental Upgrades, Piercings, and Ultimate Upgrades)
A. Yes, it is twice (x2) the rate of other servers.

Q. What will be the maximum character level on FWC?
A. Same as the other servers, Level 160.

Q. Where will the FWC server be hosted?
A. FWC server is hosted on US servers.

Q. What are the advantages of playing in the FWC compared to main servers?
A. Here are some benefits for playing on the FWC server
- Special buffs such as x2 EXP rate, x2 Drop Rate, X2 Upgrade chance (Note: Penya obtained from shops are half (x0.5) of what is obtained on other servers)
- Special events
- Special titles obtainable
- And finally, you can participate in the actual PvE ranking and/or PvP tournament event

You can see the full details on our news post on our website: (Link)

Q. Are there any exclusive top-up events, Exp/Drop/Enhancement events, or in-game events planned specifically for FWC?
A. We do not have any specific plans for the foreseeable future.

Q. How will the Enhanced Equipment Exchange work? What gears are players able to exchange?
A. You need to exchange +10 of Coral Island weapon and armor set. Please refer to the event news post: (Link)

Q. Will the FWC Server include the Level 150 PvE/ Wilds Sets and the Coral/ Lusaka/ Lusaka Crystal Weapons? If yes, are any of these going to be the featured FWC Set and FWC Weapon with additional stats when converted to FWC Golden?
A. Please refer to the event news post: (Link)

Q. If the FWC Server will have Level 150 Sets & Weapons (with additional stats when converted to FWC Golden), is there a plan for users who worked hard for their gear on main servers?
A. The FWC Golden gears will be exclusive to the FWC servers. However, we are considering to do something with the current equipment set on the main servers in a future content so please stay tuned for our future updates.

[Tournament FAQs]

Q. What are the rules for the PvP and PvE Tournaments? Will they be the same as the last FWC?
A. It will be mostly similar to the rules of the last FWC but the full details will be posted at a later date.

Q. How are participants going to be chosen?
A. You will have to participate in the respective event and either place in a high ranking or win the tournament, more details will be provided at a later date.

Q. What happens if one of the participants of a team declines going to the Philippines for the tournament?
A. In principle, all 4 participants will need to participate in person. More details will be provided in the announcement for the PvP tournament itself.

[Post FWC FAQs]

Q. Will there be a character transfer after the end date of FWC?
A. Yes there will be a character transfer after the end of FWC.

Q. If character transfer is happening — are there any limitations that we need to be aware of?
A. Yes it will be similar to the last transfer of FWC, here’s a brief list:
- Penya will not be transferred.
- Transferred items will keep all their attributes (transmute, upgrade level, element, etc.).
- If an item has Level Down or Alternative Upgrade Effects applied but is not transferred, a scroll will be given back.
- All Battle Pass progress/missions/claim states will be transferred.
- Any Buff will be transferred if the transfer information of the associated item is not “No transfer.” on the item transfer list (to be announced at a later date).
- The wardrobe will be transferred as it is, and include all the items.
- Achievements and Quests will be transferred. Account-Bound achievements will only be merged to the server with the highest level transferred character of the account.
- Party, Guild, Friend List won’t be transferred.

Q. Along with the character transfer inquiry, will items acquired in the FWC server be transferred to a chosen server as well?
A. Yes, but with limitations.
- Anything purchased from the Item Shop, assuming it exists on the main servers (so not including the FWC special buffs items). Keep in mind that we reserve the right to take action against any abuse and RMT related to this matter including, but not limited to, denial of the transfer of your character.
- Equipped Armor, Weapons, and Jewelry.
- FWC related Armor, Weapons, and Jewelry.
- FWC cosmetics such as special titles.

Q. If item transfer is happening — Will there be a list of items that can be transferred and a list of items that can’t?
A. Yes, it’ll be provided later similar to the previous FWC.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — Will our items become Soul-Linked or Account-Linked?
A. Most items, including the FWC Exchange event items, will be converted to Account-Linked as we did last FWC, but some will stay Soul-Linked to prevent abuses so please refer to the entire list of items when we provide the list later on.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — Will we be able to choose a preferred server for our FWC-made characters?
A. Yes, you will be able to choose your preferred server. However, like last FWC, if your account already has a maximum of 8 characters on that server, you will need to delete a character to make room.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening —What happens to the pierced cards and weapon bonuses on weapons and armor?
A. It will all be maintained

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — What happens to the wardrobe of the character?
A. Wardrobe will be transferred as it is.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — What happens to my personal housing, will it still be available when transferred to the main servers?
A. Personal housing related items should all transfer as it is.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — What happens to the earned titles, will they be usable on other characters on the transferred account if the title is account-bound?
A. Account-Bound achievements will only be merged to the server with the highest level transferred character of the account.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — What happens to created guilds, guild ships, and their guild banks?
A. Guilds/Guild Ships/Guild Bank items will not be transferred as people can choose to go to different servers. It is up to the guild member to distribute the bank’s items amongst themselves before the transfer occurs.

Q. If character transfer and item transfer is happening — Will the items that are transferable also be transferred from the bank of the character or postbox? Or do we need to ensure to have said items in our character inventories?
A. Yes they will be transferred as they are into the bank and/or post box. The items that get transferred will follow the same rules stated above.

Q. Swarms of bots coming from FWC were transferred to the Normal Server (Back in the 2023 FWC), most of which are below 120. If Character Transfer is possible, do we have a level cap for transfer - say 140 above to be eligible to transfer the character to the chosen main server?
A. We may limit the level of characters that can apply for the transfer to prevent low level bots from flooding the main servers. We will announce the exact details in the transfer announcement later on.

Q. If character transfer is happening and my character's name is already taken on the chosen server, what will happen?
A. If in the case a naming overlaps, your character will get a random number assigned to it and will be provided with a free re-name scroll.

Q. If character transfer is happening — How long would the transfer process take? What are the steps needed to have a smooth transfer process?
A. We cannot guarantee how long it will take as it requires physical copying of data on our servers. All transfers will be sequentially done and we will do our best to make it happen as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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