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Which of your Flash game creations are you most proud of? (forum thread)

Written by: DarrylJReid, keybol,
Publication: forums
Date published: January 29, 2013

[Reference note: This reference highlights multiple posts from a forum thread. Only the relevant posts have been archived.]


[Author] DarrylJReid

For whatever reason which of the games you've made and released give you the most pride?

Drop a link to the game and a short description explaining why, out of all of your creations this one stands out to you ... why, cos' I'd be interested ta' know what my fellow game dev's think of their own games Laughing

For me it would be this piece of crap sniper caveman game, its pretty awful to play now, but then it was made some 4 years ago, and some effort was put into the production, which is pretty rare on my part Yell.

So, go on, post the games you've made that you can still look at and go "awwww".


[Author] keybol

Great question, thanks for asking. I have a lot in mind though. The top one of my favorites is Pretentious Game.

Why? Coz I made it for Ludum Dare 23 in just a few hours. It got a lot of plays and high ratings while mocking art games, specifically I Saw Her Standing There. I got some money out of the walkthrough and sitelocks, and it even got recognized at Casual Connect Seattle Innovation Showcase.

Vanguards for polish and style, Johnny Why Are You Late for humor and flow, I Hate This Game for being my first game featured on Newgrounds. Bus Hostage by Policeman for getting the lowest score possible out of a featured game on Newgrounds. Last but the not the least, is Belial series for just being bad ass.


[Author] DarrylJReid

Thanks for sharing Keybol, also LMFAO that your game Bus Hostage by Policeman was actually censored, was it really that offensive?


[Author] keybol

I self censored it because of that law as protest.

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