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MU-SEA service will be transferred to Webzen on March 22(Modified)

Written by: MU Support team
Publication: MU Online Webzen website
Date published: February 24, 2022


Greetings Mutizens!

Today, we bring you important news!
On March 22nd new family will arrive! MU SEA service, which is currently being provided by Asiasoft, will be transferred to Webzen on March 22nd.

What does that mean for the original MU Global users? You don’t have to worry about anything!

If you have been playing MU Global from the start, the only changes are that there will be new servers to accommodate our new family members and that there will be a celebration event to welcome our new family.

For our new MU SEA users, starting from March 22nd, you will be able to apply for the game data transfer. Upon completing the transfer, your original data from MU-SEA will be transferred to your new Webzen account, which will allow you to play right away from where you stopped.

Transfer celebration events will open on March 22nd as well, to welcome our new family members. So please spread the news and prepare for a new chapter of your Mutizen life!

Details of what changes will occur to MU SEA users upon transferring the game data are as below.

[Character Data]
- All your character data including level, stats, skills, items, Zen, and Ruud will be transferred.

[Character Name]
- Character name will be changed to a generic random name, but you will be able to change the character name once you are inside the game.

[Event Map Ranking]
- Event map ranking(Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle) and related records will be reset.

[Guild Information & Friend List]
- Guild information, friend list, and mailbox will be reset.

[Gens Ranking]
- Gens ranking(including contribution points) will be reset.

[Goblin Point]
- Goblin points will not be transferred, so please be sure to spend all Goblin points before the transfer day.

- Muun inventory, event inventory, Gremory case information will be transferred.
- Cash item inventory(X Shop) will be reset(not be transferred).

- Hunting records on the MU helper will be reset.

Details of the transfer procedure will be shared on March 22nd, so please be sure to visit our homepage again on March 22nd!

[MU SEA Service Closure & Game Data Transfer Details]
- MU SEA service provided by Asiasoft will end on March 22nd, 2022, and will be transferred to Webzen.
- Continuation of MU-SEA service will be provided by Webzen right after the maintenance on March 22nd, 2022.
- MU SEA users will be able to continue playing MU Online through Webzen services.
- If you do not desire to transfer your game data it is not a required process, however, you cannot continue playing MU online with your former data from MU-SEA. You must create a new account and play from the start.
- For more information about Webzen click the link here []
- For information about our terms of service click the link here[]

[MU SEA Game Data Transfer Step by Step Guide]

1. Game Data Transfer Application Period 2022.03.22 ~ 2022.06.21
2. Eligible Applicants for Game Data Transfer Asiasoft MU SEA User
3. Transfer Step by Step Guide:

STEP.1) Asiasoft Account Confirmation: Login to the Asiasoft MU-SEA homepage[], then apply for the MU-SEA game data transfer which will lead you to this page.
STEP.2) Creating New Webzen Account: From our Webzen homepage, create a new account that you will be using for MU Online Global.
STEP.3) Data Transfer Agreement: Confirm your Asiasoft & Webzen account. Afterward, please agree to the game data transfer.
STEP.4) Data Transfer Complete: Transfer is completed, and now you can access MU Online Global with your game data from MU-SEA.

* Notice
- Transfer is possible only through a new Webzen account, you cannot use an old account for the transfer.
- The transfer can only be done with accounts that have no login history on MU Online Global.
- Please do not access the game through the Webzen account before completing the data transfer.
- Game Data Transfer cannot be canceled after completing the application.
- MU-SEA will not be available after the data transfer maintenance. You can access MU Online Global after completing the data transfer.
- Playpark(Asiasoft) Cash will not be transferred to your Webzen account.
- Please do not delete your Playpark account before completing the data transfer.
- Data transfer is only possible if you have at least one character on MU-SEA before March 21st.
- When the data transfer period expires on June 22nd, 2022, you will no longer be able to transfer MU SEA data to MU Online Global.
- After the transfer period expires, your game data cannot be recovered.
- Data transfer application contents cannot be modified or canceled after completing the transfer.
- The suspended accounts from Asiasoft (SEA server) are not eligible for the transfer.

Thank you
MU Support team.

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