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Flash Game Based on Filipino Bus Tragedy Getting Ripped

Written by: team
Date published: August 25, 2010

While the turnaround time of Flash games based on popular news events is generally rather amazing, one such game based on the recent hostage tragedy that occurred on a bus in the Philippines earlier this week is drawing criticism.

A disgruntled ex-policeman named Rolando Mendoza boarded a bus of tourists in Manila in a misguided attempt to win his job back. After a long standoff, which the consensus says was mismanaged, police finally stormed the bus and killed Mendoza, but not before he murdered eight of the tourists, all of whom were from Hong Kong.

The game based on this event is named Bus Hostage by Policeman and appears on the Newgrounds site, where it has received scathing reviews (0.95 out of 5.00) and comments, for both its subject matter and buggy, awful gameplay. The game itself has players attempting to shoot Mendoza through the windows of the bus, asking participants “Can you stop him and blow his brain?”

Among the comments:

I am new here, but I agree with you. I am a Hong Kong guy, and it is outraging to see some cold-blooded people making this sort of crap for a game…

please revise your game, this one's insulting. for every Filipino's sake.. kindly do.

I'm a Filipino but I don't appreciate what you have made because you're not just insulting us you're including the others too

Turd of the month maybe!!!!!!!!!!

This aint fun, it is clear you have no respect for the people who died in the tragedy. And the game is bad too...

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