Written by: Gamespot team
Publication: Gamespot
Date published: Circa 2006

[Reference note: Only the TerraWars section is transcribed in text version. View the image snapshot for all sections.]

Dubious Honors

Flat-Out Worst Game

If there's one thing you can count on each and every year, it's a crop of really, really terrible games. Developers miss the mark all the time, but year in and year out, it seems that a special few somehow manage to transcend the boundaries of mediocrity and create something so utterly terrible that even an utterance of said game's name sends shivers down the spines of gamers everywhere. Without fail, 2006 has delivered another onslaught of lousy games. These are the games you shouldn't, nay, mustn't play, for they are truly the cream of the crap crop.


Terrawars: New York Invasion (PC)

(784 votes)
Publisher: Tri Synergy Developer: Ladyluck Digital Media

This game is riddled with problems. From the ugly, vacant levels to the abysmal voice acting and utterly joyless gameplay, this game feels like a terrible Half-Life mod from seven or eight years ago.