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Asiasoft to distribute Blizzard games in Southeast Asia

Written by: Jon Leo
Publication: GameSpot
Date published: October 19, 2011 at 7:12 PM PDT

[Picture: N/A.]

Blizzard Entertainment, the creator of the Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo franchises, has announced that it will be working with local distributor Asiasoft (of MapleSEA and CabalSEA fame) to distribute its titles across Southeast Asia. The target countries for the region so far are Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Asiasoft currently has no plans to distribute the game for other regions like Indonesia and Vietnam. The company will also be handling future events, customer service inquiries, and upcoming tournaments involving Blizzard titles in the aforementioned three countries.

Previously, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty was distributed by IAHGames last year; the game retailed for S$109 on its launch ($87) and also let players play online on both North American and Southeast Asian servers.

Blizzard Entertainment has yet to comment on whether the Southeast Asia branch in Singapore (established early this year) is still involved and whether it is made redundant due to Asiasoft handling Blizzard duties and promotion in the region. For more recent Blizzard coverage, check out GameSpot's hands-on with the Diablo III beta.

[Video: Diablo III Monk Speed Run]

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