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Fiesta Online Philippines - Gone for Good?

Written by: Derek
Publication: Gamespeak
Date published: September 21, 2010

I was browsing the Internet this afternoon when I thought of visiting the websites of the MMORPGs I played before. That is when I found out that MyGame Philippines, the game publisher who brought Fiesta Online, Special Force and Twelve Sky 2 to Philippine shores, changed its name to GameClub. When I tried to look for Fiesta Online (I played it two years ago when I was working on my thesis. lol), it was not on their games list.

I was intrigued because I haven't received any news that MyGame (now GameClub) has terminated its contract with Outspark (the original publisher of Fiesta Online). When I searched the news archive, I found out that the last notice for Fiesta Online is its regular maintenance schedule last January 20. The announcement said:


Attention Fiestaholics!!!

We will be having a Regular Server Maintenance tomorrow January 20, 2010 (Wednesday), from 8:00 am to 10am.

Please be guided and log out of the game before 8:00 am to avoid having account problems.

Thank you and enjoy playing the game!

Game Management
Fiesta Online Philippines

*Maintenance times may change without prior notice


The game's servers have not opened ever since.

Gamers have flooded the maintenance announcement with comments ranging from angry to depressed. As of yesterday they have been waiting for 8 long months without a single announcement from GameClub. I don't know what's going on but GameClub should at least make an official announcement so their players would not end up waiting for nothing.

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