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MapleSEA Jumps to Philippines!

Written by: MapleSEA Administrator
Publication: MapleStory news
Date published: February 10, 2012

Dear Maplers,

[Picture: Banner announcing MapleStory SEA is opening to the Philippines.]

Philippines’ players will be able to join MapleSEA starting from 7th March 2012!

Asiasoft Passport and MapleSEA game account creation are open up to Philippines players starting 8th February 2012!

Artemis Gateway will be the preferred Gateway for all new Philippines’ players!
Upon creation of MapleSEA game account, the game account will only be created in Artemis Gateway for all Philippines players.

“Artemis” Gateway

[Picture: Artemis character.]

Artemis, The Goddess of Wildness
Preferred Gateway for Malaysia and Philippines Maplers


New Philippines players that sign up for a new MapleSEA game account will only be allow to access to Artemis Gateway, the preferred gateway for Philippines players starting from 8th February 2012.

Ares Gateway will not be accessible for new Philippines players that sign up for a new MapleSEA game account starting from 8th February 2012.

Creation of new characters starting from 8th February 2012 by new Philippines players but they will only be able to start login their characters on 7th March 2012.

Welcome Philippines Maplers Event!

To celebrate the joyous occasion of welcoming Philippines’ Maplers, we have prepared 2 wonderful prizes for all new Philippines’ Maplers!

[Picture: iPhone and iPad rewards.]

Sign up for a MapleSEA game account and stands a chance to win an iPhone4S and an iPad2 !

Want to win these attractive prizes? Here’s how!

From 10th February – [retracted]4th April 2012[end retracted] extend to 13th May 2012 :
Players from Philippines who sign up for a new MapleSEA game account will be eligible for a lucky draw chance to win the iPhone4S and iPad2!
Reach level 30 in the game to gain two additional chances in the lucky draw!
It’s that simple!

That’s not all.

Win extra lucky draw chances by liking our MapleSEA Fan Page via “MapleSEA Jumps to Philippiines!” Facebook application!

[Picture: Banner announcing MapleStory SEA is opening to the Philippines.]


This event is only eligible to players located in Philippines.

Philippines players can enter MapleSEA after the server check on 7th March 2012.

– MapleSEA Administrator

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