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Casvian Philippines Shut Down Advisory

Written by: GM Evo
Publication: Casvian Philippines website
Date published: March 4, 2011 at 3:41 PM


As gamers ourselves, we were much aware of the repetitive problems that we usually encounter like downloading issues, patching problems and hard disk space requirements. This is one of the main reasons why we chose to publish Casvian as it brings a fun and exciting gaming experience to our community without the hassles specified earlier. Having an easy to learn, alt-tab-able and very low spec game that would cause our community less headaches and more enjoyment was Casvian's main selling point.

However, all good things must come to an end, and we regret to inform the Casvian community that after over a year of service, Casvian Philippines will be shutting down on March 18, 2011 (11:00AM) due to license agreement issues.

Having appreciated the Casvian community's time and effort placed into the game, we are offering migration packages towards our other games:

Cubizone Philippines

280 Cubits

This is applicable to all active Casvian players since (Feb 1, 2011) to (Feb 28, 2011). The Cubit insertion will be done during the entire month of april. For any concerns, please send an email to [email protected]

We would like to apologize for this very unfortunate turn of events and we are very grateful to the Casvian community for sharing their gaming experience with us in Antagarich.

Thank you.

- Cubizone Management

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