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Ragnarok II: Gate of the World

Written by: Ed Geronia
Publication: FHM Philippines
Date published: Circa 2007 (estimate)

The much-awaited follow-up to the most popular MMORPG in the country

Ragnarok Online II: Gate of the World is the much-awaited follow-up to the most popular massive multiplayer online RPG in the country.

In the game's story, set 100 years after its predecessor, the Normans from the east and west have learned to live in harmony. This temporary peace is shattered upon the arrival of the dark Dimago. Meanwhile, the Ellr go on an exodus from their homeland to find out more about what's happening to their beloved Mother Tree which is the source of their power. A deathly silence has engulfed the tree and it's up to them to unravel the mystery.

As with the original game, RO2 promises a lively community and healthy competition. According to Level Up!, RO2 won't replace RO. Instead, it will run alongside the original game, giving gamers the choice of continuing their existing RO accounts. - Ed Geronia

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