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Important Announcements

Written by: SkyRaiders Philippines website author
Publication: SkyRaiders Philippines website
Date published: January 16, 2006 at 10:36:11 AM

1.) IMPORTANT NOTICE: Starting January 19, 2006, SkyRaiders will officially rollback all players' achieved levels and move on to the new and improved sky-action gameplay in preparation for commercial launch. Please be advised that in order for you to experience better flight gameplay you are required to download the latest version of SkyRaiders game client that will be made available on our server starting January 10, 2006. Until then, enjoy SkyRaiders with your aviation buddies as the biggest battle in the skies will happen soon!

2.) ITEM UPDATES: There are all new collection of SkyRaiders in-game items for release this January. Keep it here at for pricing terms and policies, very soon!

3.) PROMOTIONS: Text in your queries for SkyRaiders using your mobile phones. Soon we will announce usage of Text and MMS technology for convenient up to date downloads of image collectibles and fun activities.

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