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Episode 2: Granado Plastic Espada

Written by: Hackenslash author
Publication: Hackenslash
Date published: February 19, 2007 at 11:16 PM

[Picture: N/A.]

OK, so our plastic swords didn’t scare IP e-Games president Steve Tsao, but what the heck, we had fun, heh. That's (l-r) me, Steve and hackenslash reporter Alex Villafania. Photo by Jayvee Fernandez. So, was there a sword fight? Not really, but what the hell, we all had fun coming up with hackenslash: the podcast, Episode 2: "Granado Plastic Espada." We tried our best to spring a surprise on the big boss of IP e-Games, but our little plastic swords couldn’t get the job done. Steve, who has been spending many a sleepless night playing the first World of Warcraft expansion Burning Crusade, gamely answered a barrage of questions tossed his way by me, Jayvee and Alex. Steve talked about the features of his company’s latest acquisition, Granado Espada, and their plans for the new IP Interactive brand for premium titles that they launched to bring in games from their partner Infocomm Asia Holdings (IAH). Granado Espada will be the first game under the IP Interactive brand. While declining to confirm that IP e-Games will bring in another much anticipated game distributed by IAH, Hellgate: London, Steve said his company will be the exclusive distributor of all games from IAH, and will be the one to bring them to the Philippines under the IP Interactive brand. Meanwhile, Jayvee and Claire Chan, the events coordinator of and image model of hackenslash, chimed in with the latest developments in the Philippine gaming scene. Claire also teamed up with Alex, who weighed in on the Xbox 360 game Lost Planet in the "Yay! or Boo!" review segment. Subscribe to the hackenslash: the podcast RSS feed., the online home of the Philippine Daily Inquirer Group of Publications, has partnered with Creativoices Productions to launch the Podcasts service, with different podcasts to be rolled out over the next few months. For more information, comments and suggestions, readers may e-mail [email protected]

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