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GamesMaster Presents: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft out now from Summit Books

Written by: Summit Media team
Publication: Summit Media news
Date published: March 18, 2015

Summit Books brings to stands nationwide the indispensable guide for fans of the hugely popular video game that has taken gaming communities by storm not just by offering adventure, but by encouraging learning, developing critical thinking, and fueling creativity and imagination.

Originally published in the United Kingdom by GamesMaster and printed in the Philippines by Summit Books, The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft is filled with page after page of valuable information for both new and experienced Minecraft players.

Just getting into the game? This useful bookazine has all you need to know to start mining and crafting, from downloading the game to getting through your first night to mastering the basics to surviving a variety of sticky situations. It also tours you through the different biomes you're bound to stumble into: plains, forest, jungle, village, swampland, desert, the End, and more.

The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft also shows you how to get the most out of your game with the coolest next-generation updates and offerings, the top texture packs and free skins to dress up your avatar, and stunning user-created mods and maps to amp up your Minecraft world. Plus, it lets you take your passion to a whole new level by rounding up Lego kits and official Minecraft merch you need to own, great alternative games to keep you mining and crafting, and more!

With The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft, you also get to discover the story behind Microsoft’s buyout of Minecraft developer Mojang for a whopping US$2.5 billion in 2014, and hear fans weigh in on what the sale means for the entire Minecraft-playing community.

Minecraft is an open world video game available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3, 360, PS Vita, iOS, and Android. Released in 2009 by Swedish company Mojang, Minecraft has since become the third bestselling video game of all time, with 54 million copies sold across all platforms in 2014 alone.

Grab your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft (P225), out now in bookstores and magazine stands nationwide!

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