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Here comes the phantoms!

Written by: GM Catapuls
Publication: Gamepad Interactive at Blogger
Date published: October 13, 2010 at 11:45 PM

Here comes the phantoms!

[Picture: N/A.]

Get it here!
Phantom Pack Manual Patch Download

The Phantom Mode Expansion Pack offers lots of new costumes, weapons and the new Phantom Mode!

This mode is much like the bomb match mode, only sneakier. The read team gets to be the phantoms, wherein they can only use melee weapons but are completely invisible. Running will make them a bit visible but will still be very hard to aim at. The blue team needs to focus and keep their eyes open if they want to stop the phantoms from blowing up the base.

So what are you waiting for! Download it now and be ready for it this Monday, October 18, 2010!

M.A.T. Online - Phantom Expansion Pack is an optional pre-download for the update this coming Oct 18, 2010 12PM. The file is currently "Password Protected". Here's a quick guide on how you can install the game:

Run the MAT Online - Phantom Expansion Pack, then click "OK" button.

[Picture: N/A.]

Take note of the message in the pop up window. DO NOT INSTALL THE EXPANSION PACK BEFORE OCTOBER 18, 2010 or you won't be able to play.

2. Then click the "Setup" button.

[Picture: N/A.]

3. This is a password protected program, the password will be posted in the forums, website and fan page of MAT Online on October 18, 2010.

[Picture: N/A.]

4.Then wait for it to be extracted.

[Picture: N/A.]

5. Click "Next" button to start the installation.

[Picture: N/A.]

6. Then choose a corresponding folder where you wish to save the file. And then click the "install" button. It may take a while to install the game depending on the speed of your PC.

[Picture: N/A.]

[Picture: N/A.]

7. Find and open the MAT Online shortcut located on your desktop or in the Start Menu.

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