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X-Play About Us page

Written by: X-Play website author
Publication: X-Play website
Date published: Snapshot from 2015

X-Play Corporate Profile

About Us

X-play is a video game publisher in the Philippines responsible for the distribution of some of the best entertainment software in the industry. Currently, the company is an exclusive distributor of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc and handles the distribution of all Blizzard games in the Philippines including World of Warcraft, Starcraft II, and Diablo III. X-Play is also a partner of Take Two Interactive, and will be distributing games from the NBA 2k line including NBA 2k13 and NBA 2k Online among others. Along with its gaming efforts, X-Play is also a strategic partner of, and together they handle content and marketing responsibilities for Philippines. X-Play is a subsidiary of Ip e-Games, a company that brought in such MMORPG hits as Ran Online and Cabal Online.

About e-Games

Founded in 2005 , e-Games was successful in introducing Free-to-Play online games in the country.
Ran Online, its flagship game, still continues to be one of the top games in the market today. E-Games is also known for publishing other successful titles published under the e-Games brand such as Cabal Online, Audition Dance Battle, Point Blank, and Band Master.
E-Games is a trademark of Level Up Inc. under license to Playweb Games Inc.
Playweb Games Inc. is the publisher and operator of all game titles and services under the e-Games brand in the Philippines.

About IPVG

IPVG is publicly listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE: IP). Its subsidiaries operate in the following business segments: (i) Communications – IP Services and Internet Security; (ii) Content – Online Games and Mobile Solutions; and (iii) Payment Solutions.

As an investment company, IPVG provides strategic guidance and support to each of its subsidiaries. Each of IPVG's business subsidiaries is paired with key partners, allowing the Company to offer established product and proprietary business knowledge to the Philippine market. This has accelerated market penetration, and provided tangible, bottom line value.

IPVG's senior management team includes several industry pioneers and veterans in the IT&T, DDoS mitigation, on-line gaming, mobile development and BPO sectors - together over 100 man-years of professional experience.

Our Partners

Blizzard Entertainment

Take-Two Interactive

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