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2023 APAC Invitational Presented by Cignal

Written by: NBA 2K League team
Publication: NBA 2K League news
Date published: Circa 2023

The NBA 2K League APAC Invitational Presented by Cignal will take place on November 17 & 18 in Manila, Philippines. The winning team of the APAC Invitational will earn $5,000 USD and draft eligibility for the 2024 NBA 2K League Draft. This event is open to the public at the High Grounds Cafe in Manila. Schedule is provided below:

- Day 1 – Tournament Start: 5PM – 8PM PHST
- Day 2 – Tournament Start: 6PM PHST
-- 5V5 Grand Final: 8PM PHST

NBA2KL APAC Invitational will involve 8 teams who will compete in a best-of-3, 5v5 single elimination bracket, in NBA2K24 Pro-Am gamemode.

Event can be watched live on Cignal and on delay on the NBA 2K League Twitch Channel.

Teams competing range from the Philippines, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. The teams competing are listed below:

- APAC North Qualifying Teams
-- Laus Group Eagles – Philippines
--- LGE_LeSocial
--- LGE_JMac
--- LGE_ZaavalLCB
--- LGE_ice2fast
--- LGE_donPriich
-- LGE Agila – Philippines
--- LGE_Rial
--- LGE_Shintarou
--- LGE_Judee
--- LGE_Clue
--- LGE_Vio-

- APAC South Qualifying Teams
-- NO WAY OUT APAC – Australian/New Zealand
--- xBaldinho
--- Jxhnno-
--- Dqnnis
--- DLaey
--- Monuhh
-- Unknown – Australian/New Zealand
--- Cheezetootuff
--- willmovin
--- LokaiAU
--- Lacln
--- Dollaa

- NBA 2K League Invited Teams
-- Aegis Indonesia Patriots – Indonesia
--- INA_Miracle
--- INA_Sicko
--- INA_Hezyn
--- INA_vertiinho
--- INA_Fuego
-- Trapper – China
--- KKhalifa
--- fucu
--- JDub_IQ
--- A-Kodak
--- Lucky_Yi_Wesley

- Cignal Invited Teams
-- Naos Esports – Philippines
--- NAOS_LikeMike
--- NAOS_Tondo
--- NAOS_SpamGod
--- NAOS_Vvvnce
--- NAOS_Younggimba
-- LGE 45ers – Philippines
--- LGE_EL-Chapo
--- LGE_Juaan
--- LGE_CstR
--- LGE_miguelcarlo
--- LGE_Papa-

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