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[Opinion] Farewell sGE – IAHGames Shut Down SEA Granado Espada Servers

Written by: Sam
Publication: The Otaku's Study
Date published: April 27, 2017

[Picture: Granado Espada screenshot. Text: One of, what I would consider to be, my more prolific RNPC combinations during the early days of Granado Espada – Gracielo, Adelina Esperanza and Emilia Guliano]

Even though it has been years since I even logged into the game or had the game client installed, I still cannot help but feel that this event marks the close of one short but memorable moment of my life.

Around ten years ago, I found myself enticed by the online game Granado Espada which was published in South-East Asian (SEA) territories (including Australia and New Zealand) by IAHGames. Although the game could be considered a big grind-fest with a heavy AFK element (For example, you could leave your characters on auto-attack overnight and find they only gained a fraction of one level) it won me over with its stellar music, rather interesting story/gameplay concepts and party system which saw players control three characters at once.

As a previously “lone wolf” gamer in online games, Granado Espada was one of the first MMORPG’s which saw me actually feel compelled to join in the social aspects – even if it was highly competitive in the early days to say the least.

Granado Espada SEA Server Closure

As that well known saying goes… “all good things must come to an end”. That day for sGE is today.

After announcing their plans to close a few weeks ago, IAHGames today confirmed through Facebook that the servers have “officially shut down”. According to an earlier post announcing the closure and providing the reason behind their decision, long-time community figure from IAHGames, Uncle MPT confirmed that a “falling player-ship and the sunset of PC-based client online games” caused sGE to have “been losing money significantly for a period of time”. You can read the full statements below:

Closure Notification

[Picture: Facebook post screencap by Granado Espada page stating that the servers will be shut down on April 27, 2017.]

Server Closed

[Picture: Facebook post screencap by Granado Espada page thanking the players and informing everyone that the servers have officially shut down.]

My History with Granado Espada

I dedicated a lot of time to this game, not only as a player, but as a member of their community forums. I was involved as one of their inaugural Community Crew forum members, who provided support to players and helped organise special events for anyone with a creative flair to participate in.

Ultimately I ended up leaving due to the demands of University at the time, and did for one reason or another, never return… I did however get to work alongside dozens of team members during my tenure on the forums, met hundreds of players in-game and undoubtedly engaged with many others through the forums. To everyone I met while playing… thank you for the good times – whether we were friends, allies or opponents in-game!

Still interested in Granado Espada?

While the SEA servers of Granado Espada may have closed, this doesn’t mark the end of Granado Espada in English speaking markets. There are official gaming servers being run by EuroGamez in Europe and another server being run by T3Fun. Unfortunately, there is currently no way of transferring families from the sGE server to other servers.

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