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Written by: ROExtreme news author
Publication: ROExtreme website
Date published: June 4, 2019 at 3:56AM

[Picture: Server merge notice.]

In the passing time, two worlds alike exist living apart, seeing the same sky but standing on different grounds. Bat as the dark times loom, a call to arms is in need. The two worlds will collide to greet each other creating a whole new world: a world with new friends, new rivals in a timeless battlefield.

Citizens of Midgard, prepare yourselves to meet your counterparts from another world. There will be a server merge between Valkyrie (PH) and Thor (MYSG) servers on July 10. Together, a whole new world will open: the Valhalla server.

[Picture: A visualization of Valkyrie (PH) and Thor (MY/SG) servers being merged into Valhalla]

A great warrior is armed not only by weapon but also with knowledge of what to come. Here are the things to know about what will happen in the Server Merge.

- Servers will merge on July 10, 2019.
- The new server will be named Valhalla.
- MYSG top up rate will be adjusted before the server merge.
- There will be a compensation for those who topped up from May 8, 2019 to June 5, 2019.
Note: This is due to the top up rate adjustment.
Check the complete details through this link:

In order to be fully prepared, check the link of the Server Merge Policy for more details.

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