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[UPDATED]Asiasoft brings Diablo III expansion in the Philippines

Written by: Asiasoft PR team
Publication: Asiasoft Press Release archives
Date published: March 14, 2014

[UPDATE] Diablo III: Reaper of Souls will be officially released on 25th March 2014 and the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for Standard Edition is PHP1800. Previously, Asiasoft announced that the price for Collector’s Edition was PHP3500. Due to tax and other freight charges, the price for Collector’s Edition has been revised to PHP4500.

MANILA, PHILIPPINES. – Blizzard announced last December 2013 the worldwide release of the highly anticipated expansion of Diablo III Reaper of Souls to happen on March 25, 2014.

Asiasoft being the sole distributor and partner of Blizzard in Southeast Asia will make ROS available in several partner retail outlets in the Philippines nationwide. Avid fan and gamers may now pre-order their copy at any of the listed outlets. (Please see list below)


iTech Store

Please click HERE to view the full details.
As recently announced by BLIZZARD, all pre-ordered game keys (game boxes) and digital purchase from will be receiving two (2) epic bonus item.

The Wings of Valor: Summon the radiant wings of the Archangel of Valor for your characters in Diablo III.

Valla the Demon Hunter: Unlock Valla the Demon Hunger in Heroes of the Storm – Blizzards free-to-play online team brawler featuring iconic Blizzard characters, fast paced combat and epic battlegrounds.
Make sure to REDEEM your bonus item on or before March 31, 2014, 11:59PM PST (or April 1, 2014, 2PM Philippine time).

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