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Viridis Arcus Esports Facebook post on June 4, 2024

Written by: Viridis Arcus Esports team
Publication: Viridis Arcus Esports Facebook page
Date published: June 4, 2024 at 6:25 AM (UTC+8)


We at Viridis Arcus Esports (VA) are aware of the influx of comments and shares due to an incident that occurred over the weekend concerning one of our players. The organization would like to clarify that Viridis Arcus Esports did not participate in SuzzySaur’s Saurnament held last Saturday, June 1. Two of our League of Legends players (Defile and Eternal) competed under another team, Daedalus.

During this timeframe, VA has been targeted with malicious comments directed towards our student community and players. This has not only affected the reputation of our League of Legends team but has also affected the other teams under VA.

We stand by Defile and his choice of reinforcing the rules stipulated in the rulebook. Our teams continuously strive to uphold the principle of fair competition, integrity, respect, and positive sportsmanship throughout all their tournaments. We believe that all esports teams must adhere to the rules given by the tournament organizers. Any negative remarks aimed at undermining their hard-earned accomplishments will not be tolerated.

Viridis Arcus Esports is against any form of bullying, harassment, and homophobia directed towards our players, teams, and members of our community. As a Lasallian organization, we are committed to upholding the principles of respect for all persons and fostering an inclusive community that share a passion for esports.

To ensure that the organization’s page remains a safe and welcoming space, the officers have taken measures such as hiding malicious comments and ignoring ill-intentioned messages. While we have chosen not to engage with this behavior, our utmost priority will always be the safety of the community.
We are immensely grateful to the people that have continuously supported Viridis Arcus Esports throughout the years. We look forward to continually be a community for Lasallian gamers.

[Image: An image version of the text above.]

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