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Official Announcement from Dragonfly Co. Ltd.

Written by: Special Force: Philippine Chapter team
Publication: Special Force: Philippine Chapter
Date published: August 14, 2011

Dragonfly Officially Appoints DF Interactive as Sole and Rightful Publisher in the Philippines

In order to correct falsified information being spread with respect to FPS game “Special Force”, Dragonfly Co. Ltd. hereby makes an official announcement on the publishing rights to online FPS game “Special Force”.

Dragonfly Co. Ltd. has appointed DFI Interactive Pte. Corp. as the sole licensed publisher of “Special Force” in the Philippines.

Dragonfly Co .Ltd has also appointed DF Interactive Pte. Corp. as the sole licensed publisher permitted to hold, maintain, update and provide any service(s) pertaining to “Special Force”, including rights to hold official events, such as the Special Force World Championship and World Cyber Games.

Also, please be informed that license agreement between Dragonfly Co. Ltd. and Gameclub’s company in connection with publication of “Special Force” in Philippines became officially and legally terminated as of 15th September 2011.

As a measure subsequent to termination of such agreement, Dragonfly Co. Ltd. will be providing game updates to “Special Force: Philippines Chapter” only, and permit the setup of a local Philippines server only to DF Interactive Pte. Corp.

Any entities, other than DF Interactive Pte. Corp. will be denied any content update afterwards.

As such, DF Interactive Pte. Corp. is hereby officially and legally appointed as the sole rights holder to publish “Special Force” in the Philippines by Dragonfly Co. Ltd.

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