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Philippine Ragnarok Online Moves To A New Home

Written by: Philippine Ragnarok Online news author
Publication: Philippine Ragnarok Online (Level Up!) website
Date published: February 15, 2015

To our beloved pRO community,

Since the launch of the game in 2003, many of you have been with us. Together, we’ve accomplished countless milestones and overcame hurdles. We weren’t just a random group of gamers, we are family and friends. And to all of us, Ragnarok was never just a game – it was our second home; a place where we discovered many things about ourselves and about the friends we met and have come to love.

And for these reasons, we find it difficult to share the heartbreaking news that Ragnarok Online will be concluding its local PH service on March 31, 2015. Please know that if we had any other choice, we would have wanted to keep going. Unfortunately, it seems our journey has now come to its end.

Thus, we wish to take this opportunity to thank you all for the support you’ve given us through the years. It’s been our great pleasure and honor in serving every one of you.


Though local service will be discontinued, we also would like to share that Level Up! and Warpportal are working together in preparing a migration program for PH gamers who wish to continue playing Ragnarok on its international servers (International Ragnarok Online or iRO). Please be assured that both our companies will be working hard in making the process as easy as possible for you.

Coming soon in April 2015, iRO will open a new server where accounts of PH gamers who opt-in to the program will be transferred. We will be providing information and updates on this within the next few days. (The migration website URL will be disclosed as soon as possible.)

Once again, thank you for all the memories you shared with us. And though we will miss you, we’ll eagerly look forward to cross paths with you again – someday soon, in another world, in yet another awesome game. Marami pong salamat sa inyong lahat. ROK ON!

pRO Team

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