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The 25 Worst Video Games Of All Time, Ranked According To Metacritic (snippet)

Written by: Christopher Hodges
Publication: Screen Rant
Date published: Updated November 23, 2022

[Reference note: This is a snippet from the full article. Only the TerraWars: New York Invasion section was saved.]

21 Terrawars: New York Invasion (2006) - 24%

For some of these games, the screenshots speak for themselves. In this case, the above image from the 2006 FPS Terrawars: New York Invasion looks kind of the way movies in the early '90s thought virtual reality was going to look. That is to say: it's ugly, blocky, and almost completely devoid of any finer detail.

Graphics aren't everything, but gameplay is, and Terrawars falls on its face there, too. That it was built on the engine that powered the excellent No One Lives Forever 2 but manages to play even worse than it looks is both an insult to N.O.L.A. and FPS games in general.

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