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PlayPark and Neosonyx Announce Partnership for the Return of Rakion Online in Southeast Asia

Written by: PlayPark team
Publication: PlayPark news
Date published: June 5, 2024

PlayPark is thrilled to announce its new publishing partnership with Neosonyx for the re-release of the beloved classic PC action RPG, Rakion Online. A popular game for iCafes in the past, Rakion Online is coming back to reignite the fires of battle.

Players of the classic online game will be able to relive exciting moments playing with and against friends. For new players, Rakion Online promises to deliver no-frills, action-packed gameplay: just log in and jump straight into the fight!

After months of discussion, representatives from PlayPark and Neosonyx came together to sign the agreement, ensuring that a new generation of fans will be able to experience the thrill and excitement of Rakion Online.

PlayPark, a leading online game publisher in Southeast Asia, is committed to revitalizing Rakion Online and providing a platform for its epic PvP battles and diverse multiplayer modes. “We are honored to work with Neosonyx on Rakion Online,” stated Quach Dong Quang, CEO of PlayPark. “For every gamer who has missed this classic game, our message is clear: Rakion is back!”

The relaunch of Rakion Online promises to deliver non-stop action the moment players download the client. All the elements that made the original game a stalwart in iCafes all over the country will return, this time optimized for modern PCs. Players and fans can also expect a lot of community events, a nationwide Rakion Returns Tour, and lots of giveaways and rewards.

Players can sign up for updates via the Rakion Online website. For more news on Rakion Online, follow the official Facebook page.

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