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West Point Esports Facebook page post on June 1, 2024

Written by: West Point Esports, Ael
Publication: West Point Esports Facebook page
Date published: June 1 at 5:06 AM (UTC+8)

[Reference note: The text version contains the Facebook post as well as follow up replies by West Point Esports in the same post.]

Official statement on the Tournament Decision
We are grateful for the support that we are reading on the comment section of the tournament live broadcast. While we are disappointed with the decision to disqualify our academy team due to an unintentional emote by one of our players, Devoured, we respect that rules are rules. Whatever those rules might be.
However, if the goal is to really uplift the community and elevate it into international standards to show them that Filipinos can compete, we need to align ourselves with the standards in these major tournaments where emotes are also allowed and generally perceived as a friendly non-toxic communication between players. There is a fine line between toxic behavior between players and a friendly show of emotes. If it was a pure toxic behavior shown by 1 player to another player, then it would have been a hands down valid reason to DQ the team.
We at WPE, have never asked any team to be disqualified because of these matters. There were multiple instances in our history that our opposing team can be disqualified due to different reasons like late showing to a match, unintentional emote, sometimes, a little bit of trashtalk. We always let the organizers make the final decision on these matters, not the opposing players.
Thank you for your support and we will just be there at the next tournament.
Let’s all cheer and support these tournaments that aim to revive the League PC community.
- Ael


Our opponents also used emotes in the middle of the game but we chose not to file a counter report on this. We may have different opinion on how we win, we will respect yours. As for WPE, we have always, and will always choose the honorable path in winning, and that is by playing the game itself

[Image: Screenshot of the game where an opponent emoted.]


The tournament is already over and these proofs are no longer needed. But this is just our way of protecting our identity of winning any tournaments the right and honorable way. Again, we respect the decision of the tournament organizers and grateful for their effort to revive our community.

[Video: Video of the above screenshot which shows an opponent emoting.


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