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ROSE Online may be down for 24 hours

Written by: Level Up! news website author
Publication: Level Up! news website
Date published: August 16, 2006

Greetings Godlings of Arua!

We have been informed by Gravity that there is a big possibility that maintenance tomorrow (August 17) will go beyond our 1200H GMT +8 target as we patch for Evolution and Eldeon. This means the commercial servers are targetted to go live on or before August 18 - 0730H GMT +8.

In line with this, we'll be having the following tomorrow:

1. #prose of Undernet in mIRC will be opened so we'll have a direct way if interracting with everyone and answer some questions you may have during server downtime.

2. ROSEboards: Signature making contest

Theme: "You'll know you are too addicted to ROSE when..."
Pixel and File Size: See signature limit at the Rules section
You may use your own art or existing gravity art.
Tomorrow, I will open a thread where you will post your entries.
Deadline is at 8pm tomorrow.
For the Best Entry - Prize: 15 pcs Grade 6 Bindrunes and Talismans
For the first 5 entries - Prize: 999 Beef Jerkies

3. ROSEboards: Fanfic making contest

Theme: "The craziest thing I've ever done for ROSE"
Minimum of 100 words.
Posting style matters. Must be readable though. You may insert pictures to add drama if you like. Be careful of pic posting limits.
Tomorrow, I will open a thread where you will post your entries.
Deadline is at 8pm tomorrow.
For the Best Entry - Prize: 15 pcs Grade 6 Bindrunes and Talismans
For the first 5 entries - Prize: 999 Beef Jerkies

And, following the pizza delivery challenge tradition, we'll give away a 2x EXP and DROP RATE IF we are not able to bring the servers up by 0730H GMT +8 of August 18.

Have a blessed day, everyone! May Arua bless our paths!

Oh btw. Tala is not affected by this so Tala will be up at 1200H tomorrow. Y'all can play there tomorrow if you like.

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