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Justice for Joshua Laxamana message

Justice for Joshua Laxamana message


An image about the killing of Joshua Laxamana. It contrasts the claims of the police against the claims of Joshua's mother.


According to the police:

Joshua was riding a motorcycle and did not stop at a police checkpoint. He shot at us, which forced us to shoot and kill him. We found drugs on him. He's a member of an Akyat-Bahay (robbery) gang in Pangasinan. How do we know? Because he has a tattoo on his body.

According to the mother:

Joshua does not own a motorcycle nor does he know how to ride one. He was set to compete in a DOTA tournament abroad. He is one of the best DOTA players in Central Luzon.

The tattoo that the police claim to prove that he is a member of an Akyat-Bahay gang? It's a tattoo of a DOTA character, Queen of Pain.

He went to Baguio with Julius to join a DOTA tournament. He went missing for four days, after which I found his body in a morgue in Pangasinan. His body is riddled with bullets.

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