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Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura retail box photo

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura retail box photo


A photo of a retail box of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, along with the CD installers, that was bought from a National Book Store Philippine branch for ₱695 in 2008 (unsure date). The old Asian Media Development Group logo is seen on the upper-right of the box.

This photo was posted on the /r/arcanum Reddit post "Since I might have to reinstall the game I brought out my CDs. I bought this 13 years ago at a bookstore here in the Philippines at around $14. I've had 3 PCs and I've always used this to reinstall the game." created by a deleted Reddit user account. If you are the owner of this photo and you want proper credit, or if you wish for its removal from this website, message the administrator using the "contact" page.

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