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24 Oras segment on Barangay Salawag DotA ban video screencap

24 Oras segment on Barangay Salawag DotA ban video screencap


A screencap of the YouTube video entitled "24 Oras: Paglalaro ng DOTA, ipinagbawal sa internet shops sa isang barangay sa Dasmariñas, Cavite". The video segment was first aired on GMA TV on January 21, 2015. It shows a news team reporting on Barangay Salawag in Dasmariñas, Cavite, after the barangay issued a resolution that prohibits DotA from being installed in internet cafés. The screencap was captured at around 1 minute and 56 seconds of the video, and shows people in an internet café playing "League of Legends", a game similar to DotA but was not affected by the ban.

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