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Yulgang 2

Yulgang 2 was a free-to-play 3D MMORPG developed by South Korean developer KRG Soft Entertainment for Microsoft Windows. It was published in the SEA region by Cubinet Interactive under its Cubizone portal from 2014 until 2015.

The game is a sequel to Yulgang, also known as Scions of Fate in the North American release.

About SEA server

On June 14, 2013, Cubinet Interactive announced that it had signed a contract with Mgame for the rights to publish the game in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.[1] The game's closed beta ran from December 23, 2013, until January 2, 2014,[2] and its open beta began on January 14, 2014.[3]

The game participated in the Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit 2014 Philippine event in November 2014.

On April 23, 2015, Cubinet Interactive announced that the game would be closing down on May 2, 2015. No explanation was given, and a migration package was offered for players to transfer to Age of Kung Fu,[4] another MMORPG published in the SEA region under Cubizone.



  1. Cubinet secured Yulgang2 for Malaysia, Singapore & Philippines. June 14, 2013. Cubinet Interactive team. Cubinet Interactive Philippines archives. Retrieved on 2025-01-20.
  2. Yulgang 2 SEA - CBT Schedule. Circa December 2023. Yulgang 2 SEA team. Yulgang 2 SEA website. Retrieved on 2025-01-20.
  3. YULGANG 2 SEA OPEN BETA BEGINS ON JANUARY 14, 2014, 3PM(GMT+8)!. Circa January 2014. Yulgang 2 SEA team. Yulgang 2 SEA website. Retrieved on 2025-01-20.
  4. Yulgang 2 SEA Closing on May 2, 2015. April 23, 2015. Cubinet Interactive team. Cubinet Interactive Philippines subportal. Retrieved on 2025-01-21.

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