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Yassi Pressman

Yassi Pressman is a Filipina celebrity best known as an actress in the Philippine television series FPJ's Ang Probinsyano. In 2023, she became a brand ambassador for the mobile game Ragnarok Origin.

Ragnarok Origin ambassador

In March 2023, Gravity Game Hub (GGH) began advertising for the upcoming release of Ragnarok Global, which includes the announcement of brand ambassadors from different countries. On March 11, 2023, GGH announced that Yassi Pressman was appointed as the Philippine's brand ambassador.[1] Pressman appeared in various advertisements and commercials leading up to the game's release on April 6, 2023.



  1. Ragnarok Origin reaches 2,000,000 Pre-registrations! Ambassador Yassi Pressman to make her debut appearance!. March 11, 2023. Gravity Game Hub. PR Newswire. Retrieved on 2025-01-09.

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