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Wonderful Life (Mi Oh My) featuring Yeng Constantino

Wonderful Life (Mi Oh My) is an original motion picture soundtrack performed by Australian musician Leslie Green and produced by Norwegian DJ Matoma. It was used in The Angry Birds Movie, a film adaptation of the video game of the same name. An official cover version performed by Filipina singer Yeng Constantino was produced by Warner Brothers in partnership with Star Music Philippines.

Constantino's version was released as the bonus track in The Angry Birds Movie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) digital album.


On April 23, 2016, Filipina pop-rock singer Josephine "Yeng" Constantino announced on her Instagram about her rendition of the song, which was included in digital release of the movie's OST album as a bonus track.[1]

Indonesian, Malaysian, and Chinese cover versions of the song were also made.


  1. Yeng Constantino performs on ‘The Angry Birds Movie’ soundtrack. April 25, 2016 at 12:40 PM PHT. Rappler author. Rappler. Retrieved on 2023-08-25.

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