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Wattpad Presents: I'm In Love With a DOTA Player

Wattpad Presents: I'm In Love With a DOTA Player is a 2013 five-episode teen romantic-comedy TV mini-series by TV5's Wattpad Presents. It is a live-action adaptation of the Wattpad story of the same name. It stars Filipino actors Mark Neumann and Shaira Mae Dela Cruz as its lead characters. The story uses the MOBA mod DotA-Allstars as the backdrop for its romantic story.


Wattpad Presents was a TV series by TV5 that adapted love stories written by various Filipino authors from the online publishing platform Wattpad. One live-action adaptation composed of five episodes in a mini-series was presented each week, with each episode premiering during the weekdays.

"I'm in Love with a DOTA Player" is a 2012 Wattpad story written by Tina Lata under the alias "blue_maiden". It was adapted by Wattpad Presents and premiered on the week of February 2 to 6, 2013.

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