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The Masked Warrior

The Masked Warrior is a 2017 Filipino fan-made, live-action short film based on the live service MOBA Dota 2. It was created by Manila-based Wonderlast Films and was served as an official entry to the 2017 Dota 2 Short Film Contest, where it became one of that year's finalists.

The short film is available to watch on Wonderlast Films' YouTube channel.


The Masked Warrior was an entry to the 2017 Dota 2 Short Film contest. The competition enforces several rules, including one that restricts submissions to 90 seconds or less. The finished film was first publicly revealed on July 23, 2017. It managed to reach the top 15 finalists of the contest, but did not obtain enough fan votes to reach the top 3.

Wonderlast Films has since posted two behind-the-scenes videos regarding the creation of The Masked Warrior on its YouTube channel.

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