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The Dream Chaser: Kairi's Untold Story

The Dream Chaser: Kairi's Untold Story is a 2024 Indonesian biographical short film about Filipino player Kairi "Kairi" Rayosdelsol's journey to becoming a professional Mobile Legends player. The film was directed by Indonesian director Bernadus Raka and was produced in collaboration with Infinix Indonesia and ONIC Esports.

As of October 2024, the film can be viewed on Infinix Indonesia's and Infinix Philippines' YouTube channels.


Kairi "Kairi" Rayosdelsol is a professional Filipino Mobile Legends player playing for the Indonesian team of ONIC Esports.[note 1] He is the first Filipino Mobile Legends player to be imported into another country. He is also a brand ambassador for Infinix known as a "GT Verse Icon".


The short 15-minute film condenses and dramatizes Kairi's pursuit of becoming a professional Mobile Legends player. It was first released on June 4, 2024, on Infinix Indonesia's YouTube channel as promotional material for the launch of Infinix's newest smartphone, the GT 20 Pro. It was later reuploaded on June 13, 2024, on Infinix Philippines' YouTube channel to celebrate the launch of the phone in the Philippine market.

Plot summary

The film begins with Kairi dejected after ONIC Indonesia's loss in the M5 World Championship. During the deciding game 7 match of the grand finals against Filipino team AP.Bren, Kairi made a risky move that resulted in his death, making the final teamfight a 4-versus-5 which resulted in AP.Bren winning the M5 championship. A portion of the Indonesian fanbase blames Kairi for the loss.

Feeling like a disappointment, Kairi reminisces back to his early days before his professional career when he experienced relationship troubles with his family for playing video games and neglecting his studies. At the end of his flashback, he decided to fully commit to becoming a professional player despite the disapproval of his parents.

The film ends with Kairi moving forward from the M5 loss with the support of his mother.


  1. ONIC Esports also has a Philippine team.

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