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The Art of Final Fantasy X/X-2

The Art of Final Fantasy X/X-2 was an art gallery exhibit organized by Square Enix. It was held at Gallery Nucleus in Los Angeles, California, United States from March 15 until March 26, 2014. Proceeds from artwork sales were donated to support relief efforts for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.



The Art of Final Fantasy X/X-2 was an art gallery exhibit to celebrate the global launch of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. It held charity auctions that featured concept art for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. The auctions were organized to raise money for UNICEF's Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts.

Fundraising results

On May 22, 2014, Square Enix announced that it managed to raise US$40,000 and was donated to UNICEF’s Typhoon Haiyan Relief operation.

Yusuke Naora, the art director of the original Final Fantasy X, stated "In Final Fantasy X, we portrayed a disaster in the village of Kilika. While we normally write stories that are about saving the world, I wondered if there was anything we could do through our games to share the pain felt by those affected. I hope that I was able to achieve that through the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Online Art Auction."[1]


  1. ART OF FINAL FANTASY AIDS UNICEF TYPHOON HAIYAN RELIEF EFFORTS. May 22, 2014. GamesPress press release. Develop Online. Retrieved on 2024-06-12.

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