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Runes of Magic

Runes of Magic is a free-to-play MMORPG game for Microsoft Windows. It was published in the Philippines by E-Games from 2010 until 2011.


Runes of Magic Philippines, also known as RoM PH, ran an alpha test in 2009. It held its open beta on January 8, 2010.

The game was not popular in the country. On April 15, 2011, nearly 2 weeks after Domination V, E-Games announced that the RoM PH would be shut down and player data would be migrated to the Arab Emirates/Middle East server of Runes of Magic.[1] The migration was scheduled on April 18, 2011, but was moved to a later date due to technical reasons.[2]


  1. Runes of Magic server merge. April 15, 2011. Runes of Magic Philippines CM. Runes of Magic Philippines news. Retrieved on 2023-09-24.
  2. RoM PH and AE server merge moved to another date. May 3, 2011. Runes of Magic Philippines CM. Runes of Magic Philippines news. Retrieved on 2023-09-24.

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