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RPG Metanoia

RPG Metanoia is a 2010 video game-inspired, 3D computer-animated film produced by Ambient Media, Thaumatrope Animation, and Star Cinema, and was an official entry at the 2010 Metro Manila Film Festival.

The film stars then-child actor Zaijian Jaranilla as Nico, a young gamer who plays on the fictional MMORPG "Metanoia" when a deadly virus starts to affect players in real life.

As of June 2024, the movie can be watched for free on ABS-CBN's iWantTFC platform.



The first teaser for RPG Metanoia, then under the working title "RPG", was shown at the Level Up! Live 2008: Rise of the Gaming Gods event on October 2008.


The soundtracks for the film were released under the album RPG Metanoia The Album.

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