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Pokeverse Season 1: Choose Your Journey

Pokeverse Season 1: Choose Your Journey was a Pokémon fan convention in the Philippines. It was held from May 31 until June 2 (Friday to Sunday), 2024, at the Megatrade Hall A, B, and C of SM Megamall in Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila.

The event was dubbed the "The Premier Pokemon-Themed Expo in the Philippines made by fans for fans". It invited international guests including Veronica Taylor (the first English voice actor of Pokémon character Ash Ketchum) and Jason Paige (the singer of the first English Pokémon TV theme song).

The event drew controversies due to inconsistent schedules and lack of Pokémon-themed activities, among other complaints.


Pokeverse is a Pokémon fan convention founded and produced by Kirck Allen of Kaloscope Ltd. It is also sponsored by Filipina internet personality Marites Allen, the self-proclaimed "The Real Feng Shui Queen". Marites Allen was fascinated by the correlations between Feng Shui Chinese astrology images and some of the Pokémon images.[1]


Pokeverse partnered with Make-A-Wish Philippines. A portion of the ticket sales were donated to the charity foundation.


Tickets come in adult and child tiers, with the latter for children below 12.

Prices are divided into standard tickets, VIP tickets, and bundles.

Standard tickets

"Gain access to all general areas and activities, including panels, workshops, and merchandise booths."

VIP tickets

"Elevate your experience with VIP access, exclusive meet-and-greets, autograph signings, front-row seating, and limited edition merchandise."

VIP tickets include additional merchandise like Pokeverse collectible cards and T-shirts. 1-day tickets include 1 headliner signature, while 3-day tickets have 4-for-4 headliner signatures.

Student tickets and bundles

Student ticket was made available since May 20. It is a 1-day standard ticket for people, adult or child, who can present a valid student ID.

"Barkada" and "Family" bundles were offered as flash sales from May 6 until May 11 but were extended indefinitely. These bundles included the standard 1-day tickets.


Early bird 50% discounts were held from March 16 until April 16, 2024. The normal rates were discounted days before the event. Tickets could be purchased online through the website.[2][note 1]



  1. The 1-day bundles were being disabled and re-enabled throughout the event.


  1. Frigga Charmed Life by Marites Allen post at April 13, 2024. April 13, 2024 at 8:18 PM. Frigga Charmed Life by Marites Allen team. Frigga Charmed Life by Marites Allen Facebook page. Retrieved on 2024-05-05.
  2. Pokeverse Standard Tickets. May 31, 2024. Pokeverse team. Retrieved on 2024-05-31.

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