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PlayStation Network

The PlayStation Network (PSN) is the online service by Sony Interactive Entertainment for Sony PlayStation. It is mandatory for accessing PSN services such as buying digital games on the PlayStation store, and required for some PC ports of PlayStation games.

As of May 2024, while the official PlayStation website supports the Philippines, the country is still not supported on the PlayStation Network. Consequently, any PC port of PlayStation games that requires PSN cannot be digitally purchased in the Philippines.

Country registration

The Philippines is not listed as one of the countries in the PSN account registration, even though Sony Philippines is marketing and selling PlayStation hardware and games in the country. During the earlier days of the PSN, players were officially encouraged to register under Hong Kong.

Players in the Philippines register by selecting countries like Singapore (R3 region) or the United States (R1 region) for their accounts. While this practice breaks Sony's terms of service, there have been no reports of Philippine players being banned for using false addresses.


The PSN is not officially supported in the Philippines, and the country's option is unavailable when setting up an account. Sony has not publicly stated any reason for the lack of support.

The lack of PSN support means that PC ports of PlayStation games that require PSN, such as Ghost of Tsushima and Helldivers 2, cannot be purchased digitally by Philippine players.

In an opinion issued in 2017 by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines, it was revealed that Sony was interested in providing support to the PSN as early as 2012.


The following are controversies related to the PSN being unavailable in the Philippines.

  • In September 2018, Filipino player Terence Lallave was disqualified from the Gran Turismo World Tour 2018. The tournament was only allowed for players in countries supported by PSN. Lallave's account was tied to Hong Kong.
  • In May 2024, Sony attempted to force linking Steam accounts to PSN for Helldivers 2. Among other complaints, Helldivers 2 was delisted on Steam for Philippine players as PSN does not support the country.
  • On May 10, 2024, days after delisting Helldivers 2 on Steam, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut was also delisted on storefronts from non-PSN countries. This was allegedly done because the game has online multiplayer.
  • During the May 30, 2024, edition of State of Play, the PC port of God of War Ragnarök was announced. The game requires a PSN despite being a single-player game. This means that the game's PC version is unavailable in the Philippines.

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