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Okey-Dokey Interactive Entertainment Inc.

Okey-Dokey Interactive Entertainment Inc. was a Philippine live service game publisher based in Metro Manila. It was responsible for publishing Legend of Mir 2 in the country from 2006 until 2007.

SEC Philippines information

Okey-Dokey Interactive Entertainment Inc. was registered on February 5, 2007, under the SEC number CS200701580.


In September 2005, Philippine technology company Sinogold Trading Inc. signed an agreement with South Korean publisher Actoz Soft, the rights owner of the Legend of Mir series, to publish Legend of Mir II in the Philippines.[1]

Sinogold Trading established Okey-Dokey Interactive Entertainment to publish the game in order to "further enhance distribution channels of the company in networking/smart card solution applications into the market."[2]

Legend of Mir II started its open beta on January 8, 2006.

Okey-Dokey was closed down in 2007.


  1. Actoz Soft company profile. Circa 2014. Korea Game Watch author. Korea Game Watch. Retrieved on 2023-08-05.
  2. Sinogold Trading Inc. About Us page. Circa 2006. Sinogold Trading website author. Sinogold Trading website. Retrieved on 2023-08-05.

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