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Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a video game console developed by Nintendo. It was released worldwide on March 3, 2017.

The official distributor of Nintendo Switch consoles and games in the Southeast Asian region is Maxsoft Pte. Ltd. from Singapore.


Nintendo Switch launch

The Nintendo Switch was launched worldwide on March 3, 2017, excluding some select countries. Maxsoft started releasing an "official Philippines version" of the Switch on November 30, 2018,[1] though the company had already been supplying Switch products to Philippine retailers since the console's 2017 launch.

The only available console packages available during the 2017 launch from Philippine retailers came bundled with two games. It was assumed that Maxsoft was forcing the bundles for the launch. The price below is from Toys "R" Us and Astrovision retailers:

  • Bundle (Grey or Neon console) with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and 1-2-Switch - ₱26,499.75 (US$527.12 vs. US$410)[note 1][note 2]


  1. At an exchange rate of 1:50.2721 on March 3, 2017.
  2. The dual-game bundle is only available in the SEA region. In the U.S., the Switch cost US$300 while Breath of the Wild and 1-2-Switch cost US$60 and US$50 respectively for a total of US$410.


  1. Maxsoftonline post on November 30, 2018 at 2:45 PM. November 30, 2018 at 2:45 PM. Maxsoftonline. Twitter (X). Retrieved on 2024-02-13.

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