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Negros Occidental Governor’s Cup Esports Competition 2023

The Governor’s Cup Esports Competition 2023 is a government-backed regional student esports tournament for the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. It was held in the province of Negros Occidental, Philippines throughout November 2023 and spanned across nine cities. The city-level champions would compete in the "Battle of the Champions" tournament during the "Panaad sa Negros Festival" in April 2024.[1]

The competition is part of a program to promote esports education among public schools in the province.


The tournament is a provincial initiative through the office of Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson and the Negros Occidental Language and Information Technology Center (NOLITC).

Nine tournaments were held in different cities across Negros Occidental throughout November 2023.

  • Cadiz City
  • Sagay
  • Escalante
  • Talisay
  • Sipalay
  • Kabankalan
  • San Carlos
  • Bago
  • La Carlota


  1. Negros Occidental holds esports competitions in 9 cities. November 7, 2023 at 7:12 PM. Nanette Guadalquiver. Philippine News Agency. Retrieved on 2024-02-28.

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