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Mineski-Events Team's eBay auction of EternaLEnVy's chair

In September 2017, the Mineski-Events Team auctioned a gaming chair used by Canadian Dota 2 player Jacky "EternaLEnVy" Mao during The Manila Masters 2017. The proceeds of the auction were donated towards relief efforts of the victims the Battle of Marawi.


Battle of Marawi

The Battle of Marawi was an armed conflict between government forces and terrorist groups affiliated with the Islamic State. It occurred from May 23 until October 23, 2017, in Marawi, Philippines.

The Manila Masters

The Manila Masters is a 2017 Dota 2 international tournament organized by ESL and Mineski-Events Team and held from May 25 until 28, 2017. The playoffs were held at the SM Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines.

During the event, the stream caught Jacky "EternaLEnVy" Mao of Team NP falling off his chair.


On September 13, 2017, the Mineski Events Team announced that it was auctioning one of the chairs used by EternaLEnvy during The Manila Masters 2017 Dota 2 event. The chair being auctioned was the same chair that he accidentally fell off. The chair also had EternaLEnvy's signature affixed on the backrest.

The auction, which started its bidding price at US$322,[note 1] ended at a final bid price of US$1,400.00.[1]

All of the proceeds were donated to relief efforts for victims of Battle of Marawi through Sanlinlahi Alliance Philippines.


  1. 322 is a meme number in the Dota 2 community.


  1. EternaLEnVy's Infamous The Manila Masters Chair. Circa September 2017. secretshop8. eBay (auction page). Retrieved on 2024-06-12.

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