Manny Pacquiao is a Filipino politician, and is best known as the former Filipino professional boxer "PacMan". Due to his celebrity status as a famous boxer, he has inspired and collaborated with various video game companies to use his likeness.


Project Xeno ambassador

On February 2023, Project Xeno, a then-upcoming NFT game, announced that Manny Pacquiao would be serving as the second ambassador for the game.[1] On February 20, the official mannypacquiao Instagram account held a Project Xeno NFT giveaway. The post reached nearly 16,000 likes.[2]

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  1. Manny Pacquiao, the national hero of the land of blockchain game powerhouse, Philippines, has joined us as our new ambassador!. February 2023. Project Xeno website author. Project Xeno website. Retrieved on 2023-09-15.
  2. mannypacquiao's Instagram post on February 20, 2023. February 20, 2023. mannypacquiao Instagram post author. mannypacquiao Instagram page. Retrieved on 2023-09-15.