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Magic Legends

Magic Legends is a fictional multiplayer game featured in the 2022 Philippine television drama series Little Princess. It is a parody of popular MOBAs such as League of Legends.

The game was used as a MacGuffin in the first arc of Little Princess to kickstart the overarching plot of the series. The segments showing Magic Legends was widely mocked for the poor graphics depiction of the game.


About Little Princess

Little Princess is a Philippine drama series broadcast by GMA Network starring Filipino actress Jo Berry. The series has 73 episodes and was broadcast under a weekday schedule from January 10, 2022, until April 22, 2022. The entire series is available to watch for free on GMA Network's YouTube channel.

About Magic Legends

Magic Legends is a fictional 3-versus-3 PVP game for PC. The main character, Princess (played by Berry), is an internet café attendant and is proficient in playing the game. She would eventually join and win in an esport tournament that would lead to the main plot of the series.

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